ri-modul Fibre Optic (F.O.) Laryngoscopes
Fiber-optic Laryngoscopes offer a high-quality light source which helps improve the visualization of the larynx during intubation.
- Macintosh F.O. blade with removable light conductor, simple to remove and refit without tools.
- Reasonably priced alternative thanks to modular construction.
- High light intensity with XL + LED illumination and excellent light transmission through strong fiber bundles.
- Optimum blade design for easy intubation and improved visibility.
- Children; Adults
ri-modul MILLER F.O. BLADE
- Miller F.O. blade with removable light conductor, simple to remove and refit without tools.
- Economically priced alternative due to modular construction.
- High light intensity with XL + LED illumination and excellent light transmission through strong fiber bundles.
- Blade size 00 for neonates.
- Neonates; Children; Adults