
Auto Hematology Analyzer with ESR

BC-700 Series

The Mindray BC-700 Hematology Analyzer is an advanced medical laboratory instrument designed to perform comprehensive blood cell analysis, providing valuable insights into a patient’s hematological health. This analyzer is known for its accuracy, efficiency, and versatile testing capabilities. Key features of the Mindray BC-700 typically include:


Complete Blood Count (CBC): The BC-700 can conduct a full CBC, which includes measurements of various blood components such as red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets, and more.

Differential Analysis: It can perform a differential white blood cell count, identifying and quantifying different types of white blood cells, which is crucial for diagnosing various blood disorders and infections.

Full Automation: The BC-700 automates the entire testing process, from sample aspiration and dilution to analysis and result reporting, ensuring accuracy and minimizing the risk of errors.

User-Friendly Interface: The analyzer typically features an intuitive touchscreen interface, making it easy for laboratory technicians to input sample data, monitor the testing process, and access results conveniently.

High Throughput: It is capable of processing a significant number of samples per hour, making it suitable for high-volume clinical laboratories.

Quality Control: The analyzer often incorporates robust quality control features to maintain the precision and reliability of test results.

Data Management: It may offer advanced data management capabilities, including the integration of test results with laboratory information systems (LIS) or electronic health records (EHR) systems.

Compact Design: The BC-700 is designed with space efficiency in mind, allowing laboratories to maximize their workspace while delivering accurate hematology analysis.

The Mindray BC-700 Hematology Analyzer is a vital tool in clinical laboratories, enabling healthcare professionals to diagnose and monitor a wide range of hematological conditions by providing timely and precise blood cell analysis results. Specific features and specifications may vary depending on the model and configuration of the BC-700 available at the time of purchase.