A steam sterilizer, reducing your utility consumption but boosting your throughput


Accurate and consistent results with Getinge GSS67H Steam Sterilizer
A reliable and high capacity steam sterilizer that improves your throughput and reduces your utility consumption for a safe and efficient operation.

Sustainable sterilizer

Getinge GSS67H is designed to provide faster instrument availability to a lower total cost. You can cut process time by up to 30% and reduce utility consumption and thus improve your environmental profile while saving money. It is better for both your patient and our planet.

Quality in every detail

Thanks to its small footprint and adherence to international standards, the new Getinge GSS67H sterilizer fits easily into most existing CSSD lines. Our experts will be happy to review your needs and your present CSSD configuration with you and design a customized solution that enables you to upgrade your system – and boost your throughput – at a low cost and with minimal disruption.