Lumis 150 VPAP

Lumis 150 VPAP ST | Lumis 150 VPAP ST-A

User-friendly controls, an intuitive interface and automatic features combine to make ventilation therapy effective, comfortable and hassle-free.


Product highlights:

  • Designed for people with respiratory conditions conditions that affect breathing such as restrictive lung disorders, severe COPD and hypoventilation
  • The Lumis 150 VPAP ST-A comes with alarm functions for added safety
  • Indicated for pediatric use on patients weighing more than 30lbs (or 66lbs if using iVAPS)
  • QuickNav feature that gives you a low-touch therapy adjustment to the setting and monitoring screens.
  • Ramp Down feature lets you gradually reduce pressure support for a comfortable transition to spontaneous breathing
  • IntelligentAir auto-adjusting therapy modes: iVAPS, iBR, AutoEPAP to ensure appropriate ventilation is delivered, even when your respiratory rate changes
  • Climate Control Auto for automatic humidification. When used with a HumidAir™ heated humidifier and ClimateLineAir™ heated tube, Lumis delivers humidification automatically – no settings to change and no complicated menus to navigate.